Enquire about our Nursery Child's Name * Please include the full name. Child's Gender * Male Female Date of Birth * DD/MM/YYYY Current Age * Full Home Address * Parent / Carer Name(s) * Contact Number(s) * Email Address * Booking Options * Please select below the option(s) you are interested in. Option 1 - 5 morning sessions each week - 8.45-11.45am (15 hours funded) Option 2 - 5 afternoon sessions each week - 12.45-3.45pm (15 hours funded) Option 3 - 2 whole days - 8.15-3.45pm (15 hours funded) Option 4 - 4 whole days - 8.15-3.45pm (30 hours free childcare for working parents) Option 5 - Wrap around care for 2/3/4 year olds - 7.15am - 5.00pm Option 6 - 2 year old provision (funded / non-funded) Option 7 - Extra paid hours required (specify below) Reasons for Requesting Option 3, 4, 5 or 6. Select which applies to you and add further information below. I work and this would fit in with my work pattern. I am studying / following a course and this would fit in with my study. What Date Would You Like to Start Attending Nursery? * Place of work or study Please answer this question if you have booked option 3, 4, 5 or 6. For study, include details of course / qualification. Paid Hours If you are requesting additional paid hours of childcare (option 7), please specify details here: Medical Conditions / Allergies * Any additional information * Special needs/ behavioural support needs /speech and language etc Thank you for choosing to apply for a space for your child at Mansel Park Primary and Nursery school. It really is a special place that we are proud of. Your child has currently been put onto a waiting list for a space at our Nursery. When a space becomes available a member of the Nursery team will be in contact with you regarding your application form to discuss the current times and session availability in the Nursery. We will also discuss the Nursery transition process which involves a welcome chat, stay-and-play session (an opportunity for you and your child to play together at our Nursery) and settling-in sessions ahead of your child joining our Nursery family. If you have not already visited the Nursery space, we encourage this before starting the transition process. We want to ensure you have chosen carefully ahead of your child starting their journey in education. Please do contact the school office to arrange a visit and tour of the space. Kind regards, The Nursery Team