Year 6 - Play creators

We had a very special visit from the Mayflower this week. They tasked us with a special mission to write two plays for their premiere next month. Our task: to create fascinating characters, write a captivating plot and create riveting dialogue.

First our director Emily showed us a mystery box full of lots of interesting props which held the letter about what sort of play the Mayflower were looking for us to create. It had to be shorter than 12 minutes with a maximum of 5 characters but we had complete control over the plot. As we pulled out the props from the box we saw a toy bus, a pirate map, a birthday badge, a puzzle with a secret message and a security pass. We analysed what these different props could be used for, who they belonged to and what sort of characters own these items.

Then we conceptualized our characters. We considered how they might walk and talk, what their name would be and how old they would be. As a class, we then decided who would be our protagonist and who our antagonist would be and how the characters would interact throughout our play.

After we had planned out our plot with our fabulous director, we began to write dialogue that our characters would say in each scene. We made sure to include lots of our creative toolkit to keep the audience engaged and collaborated with our team by sharing ideas to create a really amazing interaction between our characters .

Finally, to finish off our day, we did some marketing. Every play needs an amazing poster to promote the production. We added lots of colour, came up with our own name and we got to draw our characters as well as giving ourselves a five star review.

After a creatively inspiring day, Emily took all of our amazing ideas back to the Mayflower to show the actors and we are looking forward to watching them come to life in a few weeks time.


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Eco Committee Blog