Year 2 blog:
Welcome back to the Year 2 blog! We are settled back into school life and enjoying the new topics we have been introduced to this half term.
For the past 2 weeks, the children have been enjoying designing an invention to catch a star. They thought about 3 key questions:
•How it would fly?
•How it would attract the star?
•How it would catch the star?
They were asked to write an advert to persuade someone to buy their invention. In order to do this, they have been learning about rhetorical questions, exclamations, and conjunctions. We can’t wait to read them!
In Maths we have just started to learn all about money. We have sorted and named each coin into their amounts as well as their size and colour to see if there are any patterns. In addition, we have put them in order thinking about their value. We will be learning to make amounts of money using different combinations of coins.
During our topic lessons this term, we have be transported to a Caribbean Island called St Lucia. We boarded a plane and explored this magical place. Over the next few weeks, we will be learning about the physical features that you can find there including: volcanoes, mountains and blue sandy beaches! We will also be learning about the culture including the music they enjoy, and the food that is sold there. At the end of the topic we will become travel agents and advise people on the activities you can do there.
Finally, in Science, we are exploring materials. We went on a materials hunt around the classroom to see what we could find. We discovered that materials have different properties and are suitable to make different objects.
We can't wait to share our maths progress with you at the target and workspace later this half term!