Parent coffee morning

We hope you enjoyed warming up with us this morning at a chilly drop off. It was lovely to say hello and thank you for being part of our school family. From free takeaway teas, coffees, flavoured hot drinks and biscuits, we were pleased to catch up with so many of you and ensure your day started well and warm. We thank you for bringing the children in on time and at Mansel Park, we understand that there isn’t always time for adults to take a moment or a drink for themselves in the school morning rush. There were over 60 hot drinks taken up today and lots of discussion and conversation from over 40 parents during drop off. We even began an order placement and pick up list for after the drop off!

Topics of discussion included: parent and child events in school, follow ups on questions about upcoming or past events, joining waiting lists for our parent cooking course for summer term, suggestions for possible events for our children (including a school disco… watch this space!) We really valued the positive feedback from parents regarding how happy and settled their children are at Mansel Park, as well as catching up with some of our new nursery families that we have welcomed this week. It was lovely to see all of the children’s World Book Day costumes and we are amazed at the efforts you have gone to, they look truly fabulous.

Our coffee morning will always run on the first Thursday of every month outside the front of our school office, we will head inside if the weather doesn’t permit outside. A member of senior team will always be available during coffee morning.

It was lovely to see you all and hear your views, suggestions and catch up on day to day life.

We look forward to seeing you again on: Thursday 20th April 2023 (Don’t forget that Thursday 8th and Thursday 13th April will be the Easter holidays).


