Year 6 blog - day 3

Wednesday 12th July 2023


This morning, we woke up to a rendition of Happy Birthday! Jackson celebrated his birthday today and we all worked together to make it a special day for him. 

After a hearty breakfast, we prepared for another day of activities. First up was rafting. We kitted out into our wet-suits, buoyancy-aids and helmets and headed down into Bideford. We unloaded the rafts' as a team and began to wade our way through the river. We played fun games and most of us ended up in the river at some point. 

After lunch, we remained onsite. We learnt how to put on waist and chest harnesses before heading over to the high ropes area. The children showed amazing resilience by going to great heights and some even leaping off and grabbing a bar suspended away from the tower!

This evening, we had our disco night. The children thoroughly enjoyed ditching the wet-suits for their best clothes and danced the evening away.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to; assault course, team-building games, tunneling, kayaking and the scavenger hunt.  


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