Into University Day 2 

The poor weather didn’t stop us! Today, Into University came to school.

We have had another fun-filled day, exploring what our future could hold. The children have been discovering the options they could pursue at University, including what the children could study, where they could go, where they could live and what fun and interesting societies they could join in their spare time. After exploring all the possibilities, the children took the time to really think about what interested them, and what path they may choose. It was refreshing to hear all their passions and dreams when they presented their visions to the rest of the class. We are very proud of all of the children, who battled with their inner struggle of public speaking and overcame their fears.

In the afternoon session, the children were retrieving information about their famous scientist and were planning their presentations for their graduation on Friday. The children have taken this very seriously and we look forward to you seeing their final outcomes.

Today’s Paz Band winners are: Michael, Kayleigh and Bobby for fantastic participation and full efforts in their learning. Well done to all!


Into University Day 3 


House Competitions