
What another fantastic and busy half term!

As always, our competitions are divided into three exciting categories: Knowledge, Charity, and Sports. This term’s foci:

-Knowledge = The National Literacy Reading Challenge

-Charity = Local food banks

-Sport = Basketball

The children have been working extremely hard to collect their tokens through reading, house points and becoming star of the week! The house captains have totaled the score and the results are in…

In 4th place, Determination.

In 3rd place, Positivity.

In 2nd place, Perseverance.

The winners, in 1st place, Resilience.

During this current term, the students have shown exceptional dedication to The National Literacy Reading Challenge. A group of Year 6 representatives actively engaged in the nationwide challenge alongside schools in our partnership, and we're thrilled to announce that one of our teams secured the 3rd position! A tremendous congratulations to all the participating children for their outstanding efforts.

The children engaged in the competition within their respective houses on a smaller scale in class. The outcomes are as follows:

In joint 3rd place: Resilience and Determination

In 2nd place: Perseverance

The winners in 1st place, a huge congratulations to Positivity!

This term the children at Mansel Park have taken part in Basketball as their termly House Competition.

Year 1 and Year 2 were put into their houses and competed in basketball shooting drills with hoops and the baskets to earn points for their house. While Year 3 and above all played 4 aside conditioned basketball matches while learning the rules, such as what is a travel and double dribble. Each match was 5 mins long. The children recapped the rules of Basketball as well as understanding how to; referee, team manage and score the games, giving them a wider depth of knowledge on all aspects of the sport.

In joint 2nd place for the sports competitions: Resilience and Perseverance.

In joint 1st place: Positivity and Determination!

Overall, another fantastic half term with strong dedication to our house families.

And the results are in….drum roll please!

In 3rd place with 35 points, DETERMINATION.

In joint 2nd with 45 points each, RESILIENCE and PERSEVERANCE

In 1st place, POSITIVITY!

Superb effort team! Worry not, if your team hasn’t won this half term, they could be in the running to win the final place in the Summer Term!

Have a well rested break and we will see you all in Spring 2.


That's not the end of it! Don't forget that regularly attending school and reading five times a week will earn you valuable House Tokens. These tokens can significantly influence the standing of your house, so be sure to bring your reading diaries to school every day. We can't stress enough how crucial everyone's participation and commitment to the house competitions are. Keep an eye out for upcoming updates, announcements, and more thrilling details about the competitions for the next half term. Best of luck to all the houses!


Eco Blog


Partnership Reading Championships