Year 4 Learning blog


Children in Year 4 have been able to recall prior science knowledge and apply this to our new learning in relation to the water cycle. We carried out an experiment to demonstrate the water cycle using a bowl, cling film, a mug and water. We made predictions on what we thought was going to happen:

“Precipitation is when it either rains, snows, hails or sleets”Michael

"Condensation is when the water gathers in the clouds" Rudy

“I think the water will stick to the cling film and will collect in the mug."  Lucy

"I think it will look like it's raining with the drips of water" Juanita

We then shared our scientific reasons and the prior knowledge we already had to help explain why we thought these were reasonable predictions based on what we already know.

English & Sanctuary
We have been exploring literature and have been reading 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' by Onjali Q Raúf as our class book. We have been making predictions about who the new boy is, why he is at the back of the class and why he doesn't speak to anyone. We have used our inferencing skills to discuss how the characters are feeling at multiple points in the story, based on the information the text has given us. We were excited to discover some of the answers to our questions as we have continued to read on and are very keen to finish the story! We felt a huge amount of compassion to the boy in the story and it helped to open our eyes to ways in which people seek sanctuary and may feel, even when they have found their safe place. We understand this must feel overwhelming and we have been sharing our thoughts on how we can continue to show compassion to all here at Mansel Park. We recognise that although we are keen to help and show support, that sometimes this may feel too much to someone who is beginning to feel safe in a new environment. We have generated actions that show we care and support those who are seeking sanctuary.

Design & Technology
In Design Technology this half term, we are learning about mechanisms in order to design and create effective board games. We are very excited! This week we have been looking at what makes a successful board game and what features and types of mechanisms that might be included in order to make it successful and engaging. The children loved reminiscing about old and forgotten board games. Next step: planning!


Weekly round up


Weekly round up