Year 2 blog:

Welcome back to the year 2 blog! We are settled back into school life and enjoying the sunshine. We are so excited about our new topics for this term and this week have been introduced to them.

In writing we have been learning how to write a letter about deforestation and plastic pollution. We found out lots of facts to include in our letters and we were shocked to find out that there were only 65,000 Orangutans left in the wild! Then, we learnt about persuasive techniques to make our reader want to take care of the planet. We created bossy statements, adjectives and rhetorical questions to speak to the reader. We can’t wait for you to read them!

In maths we have been learning about time. We recapped our learning of o’clock and half past and learnt to recognise quarter past and quarter 2. We are really enjoying this topic, especially when we get to use our own clocks to make different times. Next week we will be looking at tally charts and creating our own.

Our History unit this term is looking at the Titanic. We were shocked to find out that it sank as they said it was “unsinkable”!  We looked at the different experiences that first class and third class passengers had and compared them. We loved learning about the many reasons the boat hit an iceberg. Next we will be re-designing the Titanic to make it a safer boat.

In Science we are exploring minibeasts. We went on a minibeast hunt and had so much fun finding ants, beetles and even butterflies! We will be finding out about their habitats and then designing our very own bug hotel.


Reading Competition:


Book Fair Update: