Nursery Blog
This week in nursery our 3 and 4 year old friends have been playing I spy. The adults have been modelling the sentence, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with… green, blue, red, yellow and many more” This is a great game to play at home and follows on from our story of the week ‘Something beginning with blue’ by Nick SHarrat and Sally Symes.
We have also been playing I spy while on a hunt for numbers. We looked around the school with Sam to hunt for numbers. We even managed to use an Ipad to take our own pictures. Look at the pictures we took while on our hunt.
We found so many numbers in our school environment, we found 0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, it was good fun. This is a great activity to do while out and about, it helps children strengthen their attention to detail and visual recognition while working on a range of mathematical skills. We use our PIp and Pap number formation rhymes to help us secure our development and recognition of numerals 0-9. Please ask a nursery practitioner for these if this is something you would like to encourage at home.
Our 2 year old friends have been exploring items that provoke exploration. We have found stones, and pine cones in our box this week. We used our senses to explore these items, touching them, looking closely at them, smelling them and listening to the noises they made when we dropped them, “Stones are loud”. We have been listening to the story ‘Maisy goes to nursery’ by Lucy cousins. The children were encouraged to spot things that is the same as Maisy’s nursery, “I got a peg and my name” “No seesaw, that’s sad”