Nursery Family

During this half term, we have been welcoming new friends to our nursery family! We have been getting used to our routine and the nursery 'how to be happy at nursery' rules. We have explored our emotions and have read 'The Colour Monster' by Anna Llenas. 'The Colour Monster' separates his feelings into different colour bottles. He separates them as:


Yellow = Happy

Blue = Sad

Grey/black = Scared

Green = Calm

Pink = Loved

Red = Angry

All the colours = mixed up emotions!


We even created our own bottles too; an orange bottle for identifying we are feeling hungry and a white bottle white with stars for identifying that we are feeling tired / sleepy.

Please ask your child "How are you feeling today?" giving them an opportunity to explain how they are feeling and why. If we use colours you may now recognise what these mean to us.


We have been exploring our environment both inside and outside, particularly developing our tidying up skills!. We are so good at remembering where our toys belong and our in school adults are very proud of us. Please let us continue to develop this skill at home and share your successes with our nursery family.


Encouraging your child to help tidy up develops independence which is a very important skill. Children feel empowered when they become independent; it promotes confidence and self-esteem as well as motivation and perseverance. You can promote independence by allowing your child to attempt getting themselves dressed, putting on their own shoes and putting on their own coat - we have a very special ‘whoosh and swoosh’ way too with this! Please do ask any nursery staff to demonstrate! Children develop independence when they begin to use the bathroom and encouraging your child to wash their own hands when they have used the bathroom and before each meal time is another great way. We are encouraging the children to begin to spread their own butter on their toast.


Mansel Park’s weekly round up


Eco Update – Eco flag Award accreditation