Year 1 blog:
So far this half term, Year 1 have immersed themselves in the story of Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell! Through acting and freeze frames, the children have re-told the story, discovering that Norman’s perfect shell is in fact a pink, sprinkle covered doughnut! We have also generated a range of adjectives to describe the setting of the story, and have written some fantastic sentences!
In Science, we have continued our learning about animals, specifically exploring what carnivores are and what they eat. In our next lessons, we will be learning about herbivores and omnivores, using Venn Diagrams to compare.
In Religious Education, we have begun our unit on the Easter Story, linking with the emotions of happiness and sadness. This week we looked at what happy and sad means to us and discussed how we might show these emotions. We then considered if we would feel happy or sad in certain situations - we found that not everyone felt the same way!
In History, we have learnt about a new significant person, Grace Darling. We used our inference skills to try and guess what she did that was important. We found that she saved people from a storm! Take a look at us acting out her heroic actions!