Year 6 blog - day 2

Tuesday 11th July 2023

After a good nights sleep, day 2 was another fun packed day. Breakfast was served with a range of cooked items along with cold options. We all ate heartily to fill our stomachs for the day.

Our first activity today was surfing. As we squeezed into our wetsuits, the rain began to fall. It did nothing to dampen our spirits as we rushed into the water to begin riding the waves. The children were taught techniques to help them stand on the surfboard. In pairs, the children had half the session on a surfboard and half the session on a body-board. We all had so much fun and smiles lit up the morning despite the weather.

This afternoon, the sky brightened and the sun shone. We took a long trek down to the beach to enjoy some games. The children had a sandcastle competition and I am pleased to announce that the winners were: Lila, Lacey-Mai, Amelia, Skye and Layla-Mae. We played a new game called Canadian Rounder's which we thoroughly enjoyed. At the end of the session, the children had to see which group could make the biggest tower. They had to work together to find the best way to construct it.

This evening we have had fun around the campfire. We sang songs, toasted marshmallows and played more games. It brought together and thoroughly enjoyable day. We now look forward to rafting, high ropes and our disco tomorrow.


Key Stage 2 Into University workshops


Year 6 blog - day 1