Year 1 blog:
Autumnal Exploration
So far this half term, the Year 1 children have been investigating the seasons! The children had the opportunity to visit Blackwater Arboretum in the New Forest; a beautiful site containing a range of trees and wildlife. They were tasked with identifying signs of autumn. Lots of children noticed the orange, red and yellow hues of the leaves and recognised that some trees lose their leaves during this time of year. The children also learnt about two different classifications of trees; evergreen and deciduous. We became leaf spotters and looked closely at a range of leaves. The children noticed that evergreen trees have long, thin, waxy leaves which helps them survive during the autumn and winter which is why they do not shed their leaves in autumn. To end our amazing trip, Year 1 recited the autumn poem they learnt for poetry day! It was wonderful to watch the leaves fall and to see the autumn colours whilst Year 1 described “showers of autumn leaves” and leaves forming a “carpet on the ground”. We look forward to visiting this site again in a few months to see how the trees and environment have changed!