Mansel Park Weekly round up - 24th February


This week at Mansel Park you may have noticed both staff and children adorning uniforms from their local community groups such as: Rainbows, Brownies, Scouts & Girl guides. This week we celebrated World thinking day, with the theme of ‘Our World, Our Peaceful future’ on 22nd February. World thinking day is a day of international friendship and this year, we felt passionate about ensuring we marked this day together. We continue to spark conversation on driving forward the impact we can have on our community and wider world. Please do bring any suggestions regarding how we can best support our local community needs to our coffee mornings monthly.


Congratulations to our Stars of the week this week! We are incredibly proud of all of our fabulous superstars this week. Congratulations this week goes to: Olivia B, Amelia P, Lexi H, Sofia C, Violet, Joseph P, Coralie-Rose, Rudy, Oguz, Lily-Mai N, Faith T, Brooke, Shauney and Peighton.  

We have had some incredible Postcard Heroes this week! Surprise deliveries landed through the letterboxes of children who have shown our school house values in all that they do, consistently throughout the week. Well done to the following children: Hadiya R, Skye M, Rhys H, Riley B, Brooke B, Jack H, Ella-Rose T, Lola-Louise Y, Jackson G, Jasmine H

Thank you for demonstrating: positivity in all aspects of school life; perseverance to be the best you can be; determination to be successful in all that you do and resilience in the face of adversity.


Take a peek at Year 3’s learning blog to discover what has been sprouting into the minds and germinating interest of pupils this week!


Year 3 learning blog


City Catering - Menu change Update