Year 1 blog

 Autumn has arrived with a burst of golden hues and crisp, cool air, and the Year 1 children were eager to step out of their classrooms for an Autumnal adventure! The children went on a autumn walk, where they explored the wonders of nature with their senses.  As the children ventured onto field, they were immediately captivated by the autumn landscape. The ground was blanketed with fallen leaves in vibrant shades of red, orange, and gold. They touched the rough, textured bark of trees and listened to the rustle of leaves. Inspired by the sights, sounds, and sensations of autumn, the children returned to the classroom with heaps of inspiration. The children then applied these ideas to create their own Autumnal Poem.  Their verses painted pictures of the season's beauty and the magic they'd encountered during their walk.


During Maths the children were introduced to the world of subtraction, a mathematical concept that allows us to find "less." They didn't dive straight into abstract numbers; instead, they explored subtraction through stories. For example, if they had five apples and ate two, they learned that they now had three apples. These relatable stories helped the children grasp the concept of subtraction effortlessly. They discovered that subtraction was a way of finding out how many items they had left after some were taken away, making it a practical and engaging learning experience. To reinforce their understanding of subtraction, the Year 1 children used pictures and drawings. They loved drawing groups of objects, crossing out the ones being subtracted, and counting the remaining items.

Last week, the students embarked on a journey into the world of computing. During the computing week, they explored algorithms and programming with the help of Beebots. The children were tasked with creating step-by-step instructions, or algorithms, for Beebots to follow. They marvelled as their instructions brought the robots to life, directing them through mazes and along pathways. This hands-on experience introduced them to the fascinating world of problem-solving, logic, and creativity that coding offers.


Eco Committee Blog


Mansel Park Pip and Pap Workshop Year 2