Year 3 Learning Blog update

Our Music Learning

This term, Year 3 have been learning how to play instruments. Each class have a different instrument that we have been playing: 3DA - guitar, 3DR, ukulele and 3G - trumpets. Through using these instruments, Year 3 have been learning how to read music notation and learnt how to compose their own music. We have also been given the opportunity to explore a wide variety of genres, through playing and listening to music.

"I like music because it is fun to learn the Ukulele." - Bentley


I like that we get to listen to different trumpet music. We have even seen a video where our music teacher was playing his trumpet in a band” - Jessica 


I like learning the guitar because of the different sounds of the strings.” Isla

 In computing, we have learned how computers work and connect to each other. We created our own network using string. We have also been learning to code through 2Code on Purple Mash. We have been building our skills through games to learn. We are learning to use events (blocks of code that make something happen) to build up our algorithms (set of rules). We can use 2code at home with our own logins and we have been practising these skills at home too! 


"I love computing because I get to play purple mash games. I am learning how to create a code." - Kayden-Lee


“We get to de-bug our games when they go wrong.”  - Leo


I liked the different ways we have made the sprites travel.” - Harry 


Year 3 have thoroughly enjoyed reading and exploring ‘World’s Worst Children’ by David Walliams. We used the children in the book as a stimulus to create our own World’s Worst Child. One of our favourite parts was using ‘show me, don’t tell me’ where we used drama to act out the different ways to show how the character is feeling and behaving. Here are our thoughts…


"We have been creating our own World's Worst character. I enjoyed it because we made our characters gross, annoying and loud." - Sofia 


Writing is my favourite because we got to write about the World’s Worst Children. My character is called Cry Baby because she cries uncontrollably!” - Paige


I have learned how to write expanded noun phrases.” - Keadyn 


ECO - Update


Mansel Park’s weekly round up