Year 5 Eco blog:

Hello, and welcome to our Year 5 Eco Blog. In Year 5, we really believe that we all have an important role in looking after our planet, and that if we all make little changes, then together we can have a big impact on the health of our planet. This is essential to prevent the devastating effects of global warming, and to protect it so future generations get to enjoy it like we do today.

Our focus so far this year in school has been on the changes that each class can make in their own classrooms. As we have talked about previously, our team of Eco Warriors have been visiting classrooms within the school, at break times and lunch times, looking to see if any classes have accidently left their lights and whiteboards on. In classes where we find things left on, then we make sure that we turn them off. Additionally, we have been noting down the names of these classes each day, and finding an opportunity to speak to the teacher of the classes letting them know what we have found.

We are very keen to spread our message throughout the school, and to make sure that everyone in school understands the importance of turning lights and white boards off when we are not using them. The next thing that we will therefore be doing is to create posters, that will be displayed in classes, explaining why we must make these changes. If everyone understands the reasons why we do this, then we are confident that we will find less items left on. We have noticed a significant reduction in the number of lights and whiteboards left on since we started our mission, however we do not believe that this is good enough, and therefore will continue persevering until everything is turned off.

Please do not forget, that you too can also make these simple changes in your home. Turning off lights and switches when you don’t need them is a simple but effective way to look after our planet. Thank you – Year 5


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