Year 6 blog:
As the term draws to a close, we reflect on what has been a hard-working and resilient Spring 2. All the children have been focused on recapping vital knowledge ahead of their SATS exams in Summer 1. The children have been working on reasoning and problem solving in maths and have been applying basic raw arithmetic knowledge to help them solve a problem. Alongside this, the children have been developing their understanding of using various bar models to help them visualise the maths required in a problem.
In writing, the children have been writing their own narratives based on the story – Explorer – by Katherine Rundell. They have created convincing characters and they have integrated dialogue so that the reader can obtain a sense of their character. They have also used speech to advance the action and move the story forwards. We have attached some examples below. Next half-term, the children will be looking at writing an inspirational speech about a world issue that is important to them.
In reading, children have been working on orientating their way around a tricky text. They have learnt new strategies in order to keep pace with this. We have also been developing our answers to 3 mark questions whereby children have to find evidence and give reasoning from what they’ve read.
After Easter, our booster sessions will continue both before and after school. Your child will have received a letter detailing the plans for this. It is vital that your child is in attendance at these sessions until SATS week, as we will use this time to target specific focus areas of learning for them.