Year 3 - blog


 In science this half term year 3 have been continuing their studies on plants and how they grow. Year 3 have created their own experiment to see how plants grow when they are missing an element that we know contributes and supports the healthy development of plants. Each group within each class has taken away one element from their growth experiment (warmth, water, sunlight and even the leaves as they produced!) to see what would happen to the plants without some elements.

To create the experiment there needed to be a control plant. This means that this plant gets all of the elements so that the children can compare their plants to it and see what has changed. Already there has been a big difference to the plants and the children have used their observation skills to explain what has happened and the impact and importance of these elements on growth of a plant. 

“You can tell that this plant has been under watered because it has dry brown leaves and the soil is dry.” Charlie

“Miss Good needs to stop watering the carrots… I believe the leaves are wilting because the soil is too wet.”  Hiba

Year 3 have been excited to share their knowledge with their peers on growing plants especially with planting seeds for the growing day.



In writing this half term Year 3 has been creating a suspense and tension journey narrative. They have thoroughly enjoyed reading and exploring “The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane” as a stimulus to create their own journey narrative. They have used features to create suspense and tension such as short sentences, ‘show me, don’t tell me’ and the use of darkness to create a suspenseful write.

“Before Edward, there were ginormous, twisted trees reaching the sky.” – Frasier

“I have enjoyed reading and writing about Edward Tulane. He is a china rabbit who goes on an adventure to find love” – Zosia

“I can use short sentences to create a tense atmosphere such as ‘He was alone. All alone.’ This makes me feel sad for him as he is lost. I have tried to create a dramatic response from my reader by emphasising how alone by using the word all” – Coralie


Weekly round up


Weekly round up