Weekly round up

5th May


We have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the King Charles III Coronation this week at school together as a school family.We enjoyed our very own ‘street party picnic lunch’, wearing our our own ‘celebration coronation crowns’, waving our ‘homemade flags’, decorating the hall with our bunting and our artistic ‘picnic tablecloths’. We are pleased to share that all children received a commemorative certificate and badge as a special keepsake to remember this significant event. We even held our own 'Royal Variety Performance' with the children of Mansel Park. We do hope you enjoy tomorrow's events and celebrations as a family over the coming bank holiday weekend.


Congratulations to our stars of the week this week! We are incredibly proud of our superstars this week: OPoppy G, Freya W, Dolly L, Lily-Rose F, Logan G, Elsie-Mae J, Bisandu D-M and Reggie!

Well done to our postcard heroes who have demonstrated our school values this week. Surprise postcards landed on the doorsteps of:  Poppy G, Freya W, Dolly L, Lily-Rose F, Logan G, Elsie-Mae J, Bisandu D-M and Reggie B! Congratulations!


Year 3 have been growing in many ways... read all about the changes they are observing and creating in this week's learning blog!


Pip and Pap Coronation Competition Winners


Year 3 - blog