Nursery Blog

This week in the nursery our 3 and 4 year old friends have been exploring ‘Lunar new year’. We have been attempting to use chopsticks at a special ‘cafe’ team time activity. We needed to concentrate and use our developing fine motor skills to manipulate the chopsticks and pick up a range of foods (carrots, banana, raisins, apple, cornflakes and rice Kripsies). The trickiest food to eat with chopsticks was the rice Krispies.

To celebrate Lunar new year we have been creating dragon masks, exploring chinese numerals and alphabet using red and yellow media. Red and Yellow are thought to be lucky colours during Lunar new year. We also attempted a dragon dance where  we needed to follow a sequence of movements.

Our 2 year old friends have also been exploring the Lunar new year this week, they have enjoyed looking at ‘Maisy’s Chinese New Year’ by Lucy Cousins. 

We had the opportunity to taste rice noodles at a special cafe. It was great to see the children using their senses to explore the new food on offer. We encouraged the children to smell the noodles, lick the noodles and nibble the noodles. We also had the chance to explore making movements to music, we pretended to be a dragon and used our dancing scarves as our masks. We had yellow, blue and pink dragons dancing around our environment.


Coffee Morning


Eco Blog