Eco Blog

Despite the freezing, cold weather that has graced us with its presence this week, we’re heading towards spring so it’s time to start preparing our gardens for the returning wildlife. Spring is an exciting time of year for our local birds as it’s breeding season! Raising a brood (a family of birds) takes up a lot of energy which means it is vital for the parent birds to keep their own energy stores up as they fly around collecting food for their young. We are excited to help our local residents look after their young and hope that we may even spot a baby bird or two!

As you may remember from our last blog, our bird feeders have been a great hit with our flying residents. This week, we wrapped up warm and braved the cold weather so we could refill our feeders. We’re really enjoying seeing the bird-feeders empty when we venture outdoors because it reminds us that we are having an environmental impact within our community. Year 3 love doing our bit and you can too!

Don’t forget, you could easily create a bird feeder by recycling materials you would find at home. There are plenty of tutorials online or you can revisit Year 3’s last eco blog for top tips. Remember, we would love to see any bird feeders that you create!

Year 5 have been extremely busy continuing to perform their role as Eco Warriors within the school. A team of dedicated individuals have been taking it in turns to check empty classrooms at break times and lunch times for lights and whiteboards that have been left on.

Students have continued to record the names of any classes that have not turned these items off, and communicate this to the class teacher. We have been pleased to note that the number of classes that have not been turning items off each week has been reducing. As we can see the direct effect of our actions, we are motivated to continue persevering with our important mission. It is our belief that each classroom is responsible for their energy conservation, and through our actions we can join all classes together to achieve our important aim of creating an energy efficient school.

It is important that all classes understand the effect of leaving lights and whiteboards on, and part of our role as Eco Warriors is to communicate this message. Changes including turning lights and whiteboards off when we leave the room are one of the most basic things we can do to reduce our energy usage at school, and thereby our carbon footprint. Reducing our carbon footprint is essential for reducing the effects of global warming, and preserving the planet for future generations.

These changes are not just exclusive to school. Here are a range of ideas that you may like to try at home to help to reduce your carbon footprint. We would love to hear what you have tried!


Nursery Blog


Year 1 Tall Tree Walk