The Mansel Park Summer Fete

Friendship bracelets, pencil toppers, fresh lemonade – The Mansel Park Summer Fete had it all!

The event hadn’t even begun when Mr Lodge and Mr Grace visited the fete. Clearly their excitement couldn’t be contained any longer. They were blown away by the creations and effort that all of the staff and pupils had put into their stalls for the afternoon and this effort certainly paid off when we opened the doors…

Queues soon formed at each stall and it was hard to decide whether the parent’s proud smiles or the children’s excited grins were bigger. Either way, the positive energy was contagious! Children in every year group had the opportunity to show off their creative side in the lead up to this event by creating their own merchandise. We had such a vast range of items for sale – we had calm jars, watermelon fans, paper planes, flextangles and many more!

If the merchandise wasn’t impressive enough, we also had plenty of activities to keep you entertained. The loudest laughs could be heard across the field from the year 6 stall where we found children (and adults) having far too much fun launching a wet sponge at the awaiting victims - our very enthusiastic yet slightly regretful Mr Peters and Miss Plazas. Meanwhile, down the other end of the field, goals were being scored at our penalty shootout, dancing shoes were on at the silent disco and fantastic prizes were won at our very own tenpin alley. STRIKE!

After exploring all of this, what more could you want than a cold ice-pop, a delicious cake or a freshly squeezed lemonade? Well, we had it all covered at our refreshments table which had an endless queue throughout the whole event!

As a result of your support, we were able to fundraise a whopping total of £600 which will be used to support out local charities and enable us to purchase sports kits for upcoming fixtures next year. Thank you!


Lights! Camera! Action!
