Non-Fiction November

We are celebrating 'Non Fiction November' in our schools!

Non Fiction books are a great way of engaging children in reading.

The structured layout and informative, exciting content can be very engaging for pupils.

Our 'Reading Ambassadors' (pupil librarians) will be promoting non-fiction books across our school library and we will also be studying non-fiction texts in in class, as part of our learning this half term.  

We will be reading:

Year 1- "Our Time on Earth" by Lily Murray

Year 2- "Professor Astro Cat's Frontiers of Space" by Ben Newman and "Once Upon a Star" by James Carter

Year 3- "Fantastically Great Women who Changed the World" by Kate Pankhurst

Year 4- "Children Who Changed the World" by Marcia Williaims

Year 5- "How Does Chocolate Taste on Everest" by Lesia Stewart-Sharpe

Year 6- "365 Days of Wonder" by R J Palacio

Year R- Texts linked to Diwali, including 'Diwali' by Hannah Eliot

Please find attached a list of recommended non fiction books suggested by the National Literacy Trust. 

Don't forget, we have the Scholastic Book Fair coming up in school from 21-27 November in school, where you can look out for non-fiction texts on offer at very competitive prices - books make great stocking fillers!


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