House competitions - Half termly review

Wow! What a brilliant return and half term we have had! Our house teams have been extremely busy collecting tokens, house points, tinned cans and Christmas Shoe boxes for our house competitions this past half term.

In PE, we have been competing in cross country for our house teams. The children have spent the half term training for the final competition.  This half term, it was a very close call. In 3rd place with 58 points was Positivity. In joint 2nd place with 59 points each, Determination and Perseverance, making the winners in 1st place with 65 points RESILIENCE!

Our school attendance target is 97.6% but we are not quite there just yet! Let’s hope with the lead up till Christmas and the exciting festivities, that we will be able smash the attendance target. In 4th place with 93.3% is Resilience. In 3rd place with 93.83% is Positivity. In 2nd place with 94.19% is Perseverance, making DETERMINATION the winners with 94.69%.

The children receive tokens from a number of different ways in school, some include winning Star of the Week, having 5 daily reads, signed in their home-school log books, from 100% attendance weekly and also from receiving house points. This was a big job to count all of the tokens this half term as there was 1574 tokens altogether!  In 4th place, with 301 tokens was Positivity. In 3rd place with 380 tokens, Perseverance. In 2nd place with 391 tokens was Determination and flying with 502 tokens was RESILIENCE!

Mansel Park did a fantastic job on the final day of Autumn 1, by bringing in a large number of tinned and dried foods, for the food bank. We had a total of 554 cans! Well done to you all! It was a close call, but in 4th place with 99 cans, Positivity. In 3rd place with 111 cans, Resilience. In 2nd place with 118 cans, Determination, making this half terms charity house winners, PERSEVERANCE with 126 cans.

A huge well done to all of the children who participated and represented their house teams in the memory challenge. This half term, in house assemblies, we have been practicing in our house teams for the memory challenge. The children have been doing extremely well with this brain training! The results from this assembly concluded an overall joint first for Autumn 1.

For all combined events, Positivity is in 3rd place. Perseverance is in 2nd place and in joint 1st place, the winners for Autumn 1 House Competitions are……….RESILIENCE and DETERMINATION! Congratulations to both teams.

A massive well done to all the children for such a smashing return to the academic year. We look forward to Autumn 2. 


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