Year 1 learning blog 4th January

We have been incredibly inspired to grow in more ways than one! We wanted to share our inspiration of a woman whose aim was to slow the process of deforestation and desertification! Wangari Maathai, known as ‘mother of trees’ planted millions of trees in a bid to support a global cause. She was the founder of the Green Belt Movement and the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.

The Wangari Maathai Foundation was established in 2015 to initiate and support projects that further the values, legacy, vision and commitment of Wangari Maathai and her understanding of the interconnectedness of the environment.

We have seen the saplings planted by last years’ Year 1 children and know that their legacy will live on. We join hands with the Year 2 children by planting trees later this year, that will not only ‘join forces’ with the children within our school and our eco team, but also impact our world globally.

Did you know a single adult tree consumes 25kgs of carbon dioxide per year! In order for a family’s ‘breaths out’ to be consumed, we would need 600 trees to exist! Did you know it also takes 40 years for a tree to be considered ‘adult’!

The trees Year 2 and ourselves plant will not be able to fully support a small part of a family until 40 years from now! That means these trees will support our own family and even our own children by then! Wow!


Weekly round up: 6th  January


Year 6 Learning