Weekly round up: 6th  January


This week we have been discussing about inspirational people of significance within our curriculum. We have been talking about how we too can impact the world. We believe we are architects of a better world and we have been reflecting upon those who have developed a better world through their life. We have begun to showcase the work and impact they did in our school ethos corridor. Take a look at our ever evolving learning corridors to see how inspired we have become! Did you know Year 1 are inspired to plant trees and care for nature even more so, beyond our eco-team! Take a look at the most recent learning blog to find out why!


Congratulations to our Stars of the week this week! We are incredibly proud of all of our fabulous superstars this week. Congratulations this week goes to: Maggie, Arman, Corbyn, Elsie, Hadiya, Troy, Jessica, Crystal, Kai, Bonnie, Roary, Kiara and Miah!

We have had some incredible Postcard Heroes this week! Surprise deliveries landed through the letterboxes of children who have shown our school house values in all that they do, consistently throughout the week. Well done to Alex, Kelsey, Jacob, Evie, Daisy & Violet!

Curriculum – This week in focus is Year 1’s learning blog!


Year 3 learning blog 10th January


Year 1 learning blog 4th January