Expo blog:

We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended our recent expo to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our students throughout the academic year. Your presence made the event truly special, and we are thrilled to have shared the children's achievements with you.

Year R

This year we have had three dress up days: superhero day, Ugly Bug Ball and pirate day. We have really enjoyed showing off our outfits and engaging in activities and learning experiences related to each topic. Our favourite dress up day was the Ugly Bug Ball, where Year R was filled with a whole array of bugs! We thought that it would be lovely to share our memories of the Ugly Bug Ball through our expo writing piece. We were able to write about what bug were dressed up as, and some facts related to that bug.

We have also learnt about six different traditional tales, our favourite being Jack and the Beanstalk. We really enjoyed reading different versions of this traditional tale and exploring castles as well. This was our inspiration for our expo art piece, where we created the giants' castle.

Year 1

In year 1 we have been learning about the seasons. We have been looking at the weather and how nature changes throughout the seasons. We then wrote a ‘summer poem’. Our summer poem incorporated our senses. We carefully thought about what we could see, hear, feel and taste in summer. We hope you enjoy reading them! In Art we have been practicing and perfecting our animal print art throughout the year. We have been carefully observing the patterns that we could see before using different tools, techniques and mediums to create this. We also created our own self portraits to accompany the artwork and to show our individuality. We carefully observed our own features so that we were able to replicate these using oil pastels.

Year 2

Year 2 children have worked extremely hard on their expo pieces for this academic year. The children were passionate about deforestation and littering so decided to focus on this topic for our final pieces. The art piece was chosen from skills the children had previously learnt and enjoyed doing through the year. These skills will be built on through the rest of their school journey. Their end results were amazing and the children should be really proud!

Year 3

In the spring term, we explored an emotive text 'The Wisp' which focuses around the life of a refugee - Idris. The book explores the contrast between the hope and despair that Idris experiences on his journey to refuge. This is represented through powerful images which emphasise the use of light and dark. We created a short poem in relation to this text - focusing on the power of vocabulary and the effect of different sentence types.

Within our art lessons, we focused on realistic object drawings using a variety of shading techniques. We focused on the scale and form of our drawings and used shading techniques to make our final outcomes look realistic. We found that we had to uphold a growth mindset within this topic and reflect upon each draft so that we could create an accurate final piece.

Year 4

The children in year 4 chose to have a link to animals with their art pieces and poems for the expo. We drew upon previous learning through the year and also heard the voice of the children with what media and designs they wanted to produce. The children took their time, planned their ideas well and thought hard about the colours to use when creating these wonderful animal art prints. These also helped the children to create their poems which were inspired by one of the poetry books we have been referring to through the academic year.

Year 5 and 6

Across the phase, you would have seen a remarkable variety of writing units. From the paranoid monologues inspired by Macbeth to our inspirational speeches on life-touching topics, the students showcased their creativity and skill. Their dedication to their craft was evident in every piece of writing displayed.

The children also poured their hearts into their art projects. Our Year 6 students demonstrated incredible effort and precision to perfect their eye images, while the Year 5 students had a great time exploring and distorting their faces in their art. The creativity and enthusiasm they showed were truly inspiring.


Nursery blog:


Harvest blog: