Macbeth Blog


This week, the children took a short trip across the heath to Holy Family where they witnessed the dark tale of Shakespeare's Macbeth. Live actors performed the play and even stopped to narrate key parts, so that the children understood what was happening in each scene. In the story, Macbeth is met by three witches who tell him fortunes about his future. This then sets off a catalyst of events which accumulates to Macbeth killing the King and taking the crown for himself.

Next half term, children in year 6 will be creating their own Macbeth narratives about the witches and their conniving ways. They will use the language and ideas they have been exposed to and will produce some excellent narratives which we look forward to sharing in Spring term.

Not only this, but children will also step into the shoes of Macbeth and write in first person to describe the toil and turmoil he faced as he made his impossible decision to kill the King. Keep your eyes peeled for our finished pieces at the end of Spring 1.


Nursery blog


Year 5