Nursery blog:

Our 3 and 4 year old friends have been exploring activities that focus on keeping ourselves healthy including our teeth.

To help us practise the skill of toothbrushing we have encouraged the children to brush our play dinosaurs teeth. We have been practising a lovely song to help us to remember the routine we need when brushing our teeth. Please ask your child to sing this song to you. Alternatively ask for a copy of the rhyme from a nursery grown-up. Our teeth help us to eat, smile and talk. It is really important to keep children’s teeth healthy by encouraging a good dental routine. We have been encouraging the children to brush the dinosaur teeth practising their skills ready to help at home. We are supporting the children to remember to brush the fronts, backs, tops and bottoms of each tooth. Did you know? The government recommends supervising your child with brushing their teeth, twice a day, until they are 7 years old!  

We have been looking at healthy and not healthy foods, identifying which are better for our bodies. We have separated a large amount of packaging into healthy and not healthy. This led to a great discussion and the children are reminding the adults daily about what we should eat. We have been looking at a book called 'marvelous me' and using sentence stems such as 'I am healthy, I eat...' or 'I am active, I can...'

Our 2 year old friends have been focusing on exploration. We are exploring; den building, a treasure basket containing a variety of materials, creating tracks for trains, our spring finding-out table and the large sandpit. Our 2 year olds have loved exploring the large sandpit, it is the best place to explore! We have been enjoying 'Dear Zoo' by Rod Campbell and 'Where's Mr Dog?' by Ingela P. Arrhenius. We love discovering what is hiding in each story.'


Year 1 Pip and Pap Phonics


Year 1 Parent and Child Workshop