Year R blog

In writing we are learning about this term's traditional tale - ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We are going to use our prior knowledge of stories and ordering to create story maps.

In maths we will be learning lots of new concepts, including money! We will be looking at real coins, thinking about when and where we would use money and learning to create and answer number sentences using money.

In guided reading we will be spending one session per week on The Gingerbread Man. Revisiting this traditional tale weekly will enable the children to become experts of this tale! There will be lots of opportunities for the children to incorporate this learning into their play, for example, in our Gingerbread Man themed reading corner or outside in the mud kitchen.

In our foundation subjects we are looking forward to lots more hands-on, immersive activities. In EAD we will be visiting the cookery room to bake gingerbread men and in science we will be learning all about materials that dissolve by making predictions and testing them out!

In busy bee time each day we will have opportunities to revisit our learning through play, whether that is by using money in the pet shop role-play, testing out the properties of different materials in the water trays or writing our own stories in the writing area. In Year R this term we have got so many exciting things to look forward to! We will be incorporating our new topics such as ‘The Gingerbread Man’ into our learning across all curriculum areas.


Year 2  Pip and Pap Workshop


Nursery blog