Year 6 Devon Adventure:

Day 2

Tuesday started with a bang or should I say ‘bangers’, as we all tucked into a cooked breakfast which filled our bellies for the busy day ahead.

Our first activity of the day saw us take a short trip into the local town. We slipped into the wetsuits and loaded up the rafts and took to the water. Before we entered the water, the children were given the opportunity to jump in, which they all thoroughly enjoyed. Also as promised, a few of the children relished the chance to push Mr Peters in. The rafting was excellent, children learned how to use a paddle correctly and were able to direct and steer the boat along the river. Some children also took the chance to jump in the river from the raft to then be pulled back in safely. Towards the end of the session, we had a huge water fight in which most of the staff and children ended up in the river!

Lunch consisted of different rolls, crisps, chocolate bars and fruit. All children ate heartily before resting for an hour in preparation for their afternoon activities.

Beach games were on the agenda for the afternoon session. We all kitted up and walked half a mile down to the beach. On the way, we saw lots of sheep which kept us entertained and we sang songs conducted by Mrs Bass-Cooper. On arrival at the stunning beach, we began by having a building competition. Children used sand, stones and even seaweed to create a sculpture of something interesting. I am pleased to say that there was excellent teamwork as groups worked well together to create their masterpieces. Once the judging had been conducted, we played beach rounders before having some free time. Some organised a game of beach football, some continued to build their structures and others sat and enjoyed the scenery.

This evening, we enjoyed a dinner of: sweet and sour chicken, five-bean chilli and nachos or spinach gnocchi all washed down with waffles and ice-cream.

Tonight the children enjoyed a campfire where they had a go at sparking their own, controlled fire, using flints. After, they all toasted marshmallows around the camp-fire and played camp-fire games.

Finally, the children came back to the accommodation block. Some children settled down to watch the last action of Spain V France and others chilled in their rooms before bed.

Tomorrow we are looking forward to the Seashore trail, Tunnelling/assault course and the DISCO!


Year 6 Devon Adventure:


MHST Summer Workshops: