Year 6 Devon Adventure:

Day 3

Today has been a whirlwind - quite literally! The wind was blowing all around us, making the assault course even more challenging. First up, we filled our stomach’s with ANOTHER cooked breakfast before we prepared ourselves for a day of challenge and discovery.

For the first activity the cohort split into two parts; one half did tunnelling whilst the other half did assault course before then swapping over. On the assault course, the children had to work together as a team to help each other navigate moving beams, launch across a rope swing and climb up an 8ft wall! After, they clambered across the rope bridge before swinging down the zip-line.

In the tunnels, children had to use all their senses to navigate the total darkness in the confined spaces. They worked together in pairs to help find their way out the challenging matrix of tunnels. As normal, they showed true grit and determination.

After a short lunch, we headed down to the beach. The children had a great time looking in rock-pools to explore the biodiversity on the beach. They even found an enormous crab! The staff were excellent at stopping at key times to explain and teach the children about biodiversity in that environment. When we arrived back, we played games on the grass – traditional races with a twist.

Dinner was ‘curry night’ and all the children found something on the menu that they could eat. The excitement levels were also very high as children were discussing the potential of another England victory in football. But first, they put their shiny outfits on and danced the evening away at the disco. Classics such as ‘Cotton eye Joe’, ‘Saturday night’ and ‘The Macarena’ had everyone up jiving.

Later, we gathered around the TV in the common room to cheer on England as they took on The Netherlands in the semi-final of the Euros. We were delighted it didn’t go to extra time as we were all tired after a busy day!

We apologise for a later update, signal here can be difficult to obtain. We have also tried to put together a video blog of Wednesday which we hope to be able to share with you as soon as we can!

I can assure you that all the children are fit and well – albeit very tired- and are enjoying the experience.

Mr Peters.


Year 6 Devon Adventure:


Year 6 Devon Adventure: