Nursery blog:
'Nursery are welcoming new friends again this half term, we are all enjoying getting to know each other. Our nursery children are great role models and are super helpful.
This week we have explored 'Winter'. Our 3+ year old friends have; explored an arctic tuff tray with pretend snow, created marks using white and blue paint, explored white playdough making snow balls of different sizes, experienced our first adventure with Pip and Pap on the ice and explored a variety of ways to move. We love moving in different ways across the hall floor.
Our two year friends have also explored 'Winter', they have; explored ice, explored cold water, explored the new sensory experience of pretend snow (instasnow) and enjoyed listening to winter stories.
Look at us creating marks in the pretend snow using our fingers and transport vehicles, we made up the play ourselves. A nursery friend had fun exploring winter coloured paints and bubble wrap creating a beautiful masterpiece. While another friend braved the cold to make a snow igloo.'