The Festival of Light

The nursery children have been exploring 'Diwali' - the festival of light. We have enjoyed creating our own Diyas using our freshly made orange playdough and have enjoyed using our chalk pens to create Diyas in the tuff tray.

We have also been exploring the season Autumn whilst using our senses. The nursery grown ups asked the children to collect autumn 'treasures' during the half term on their walks to the park. Some of us collected them when we were out and about with our families. They found so many different types of leaves and this led to a discussion around sizes. We have used these leaves to create masterpieces. "Painting leaves is so much fun!"

Whilst engaging in activities related to Autumn, we explored the mystery of a pumpkin... "Do you know there are lots of different coloured pumpkins at nursery!"

"Guess what colour they are inside?" We used our sense of: touch, smell and sight to explore the pumpkins, it was so much fun and really messy!'


Weekly round up - 4th November


Welcome back to Year 1