Year 3 learning blog 10th January

Year 3 have begun an incredible unit on Ancient Egyptians by becoming Egyptiologists! We are following in the footsteps of Howard Carter, who discovered the tomb of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun, to answer our big question of: ‘How civilised were the Ancient Egyptians?’ We used our inference skills to infer what the artefacts were and why they may have been important to the Ancient Egyptians at that time.


We have begun started forming ideas about who the Ancient Egyptians are - and how they lived - by looking at secondary sources to help form our ideas. Here is what we think so far…

  • “Ancient Egyptians believed that they will go to the afterlife because they put the mummies heart in a jar so that they can go into the afterlife.”- Jack

  • “Ancient Egyptians wore a lot of golden jewellery. I think that it could have been worn by a queen or someone important.” - Faye

  • “The statue looks like it could be someone important because it is made out of gold and emeralds. I wonder what they did and what people thought of them.” - Paige 

The Children have been very inquisitive and have asked lots of questions that they would like to know about the ancient Egyptians. Here are a few of our curious questions…

  • “Why did they make mummies?” - Daisy

  • “Why and how did the Ancient Egyptians make the pyramids?” -  Charlie

Some children have even started researching more about the Ancient Egyptians and telling us about what they have found!

  • “ Did you know that King Tutankhamun became King when he was 9 years old!” - Matthew. 

We can’t wait to find out more about the Egyptians throughout the rest of this term! Watch this space!


Weekly round up: 13th January


Weekly round up: 6th  January