School Council Minutes. 21.9.22

School Council

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much...’


Mansel Park Primary & Nursery School

School Council

Date: Wednesday 21st September 2022 Time: 08:40-09:00 Venue: Top hall

 Minutes of Session 1:

●        System for register

●        Meet and greet of each other

●        Why we are here – our role, our voice representing our class voice and responsibilities

●        Badges – presented and discussed around value and part of being a role model in our school

●        How do we chair a meeting – who is our School Council Chair? What is their role?

●        P4C turn taking agreement and acknowledging and building on points before sharing our own – practice when sharing about ourselves and others shared excitement of introduction on exciting passport project next week!

●        Shared system for minute taking and chairing

●        Shared systems for reporting and noting voices – school council boxes, school council folder and notebooks, teacher/ta briefings with school council updates

●        Agenda for Session 2 shared


Agreed Actions from the meeting:

●        Class creation of school council boxes

●        Photo register to be designed


●        Order of spare badges via office

Next meeting scheduled for: Wednesday 27th September. Same venue and time.


Year 6 Update.


Our School Council is Elected.