School Council Minutes. 27.9.22

School Council

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much...’


Mansel Park Primary & Nursery School

School Council

Date: Wednesday 27th September 2022 Time: 08:40-09:00 Venue: Top hall

 Minutes of Session 2:

●        DfE Passport Experience activity booklet shared

●        Discussion on experiences within the group – what variety do we have within our small group?

●        What experiences have we really valued/had the biggest impact on us?

●        As a group do we think we are representative of our whole school?

●        Agreed, more information is needed. Clearer picture.

●        Curiosity line – is our school similar to other schools locally and beyond?

●        Update share on school council suggestion boxes so far

Agreed Actions from the meeting:

●        Showcase of school council suggestion boxes at the next meeting

●        Passport experience booklet – data gather from our classes ready to collate and share together next week


Next meeting scheduled for: Wednesday 12th October. Same venue and time.



Year 1 Update.


Weekly Roundup - 23rd Sept.