House blog

What a busy half term we are having and yet there are still plenty festivities on the horizon. House assemblies have been just as fantastic and exciting this half term and the children are super excited to tackle our knowledge challenge! We are so proud of the enthusiasm the children possess and the support they give their house team members.

As always, our competitions are divided into three exciting categories: Knowledge, Charity, and Sports. This term’s foci:

Knowledge = Flags of the world

Charity = Bake Sale

Sport = Dodgeball

As we all know, the Bake Sale was a huge hit, and we were extremely ecstatic with the turn out! Thank you to all who contributed, either with a bake or a contribution to purchase the tasty treats! Again, a big well done to Determination for raising the most money from this event.

Preparations are well underway for our knowledge competition and the children are becoming expertise of the flags of Europe. There is a large number of each house team that are keen to be contenders and are superbly dedicated to developing their flag knowledge.


Remember that attending school and reading five times a week will earn valuable House Tokens. These tokens can tip the balance in favor of your house, so make sure reading diaries are brought into school daily.

Stay tuned for updates, announcements, and more exciting details as we embark on this term's journey. Best of luck to all the houses!


Year 1 Pip and Pap Workshop


Year 6 - MAST theatre visit