Year 6 - MAST theatre visit

Year 6 were very excited to visit the MAST Theatre to see the performance of their own play scripts written as part of the 'play creators' workshop!

A few weeks ago, a team from the Mayflower came to Mansel Park looking for new playwrights for their winter showcase and Year 6 were happy to oblige. Year 6 wrote two twenty minute plays. 6P and 6BC wrote a play titled ‘Sausage Roll Heist’. The main characters ‘Linch’ and pirate 'Jason', wanted to steal grandma Shelia’s sausage roll recipe. Luckily for Sheila, her grandson Jacob and his best friend Fredrick saved the day by catching the robbers on the CCTV cameras!

6RB and the other half of 6BC wrote a play titled ‘Mrs Clause’s Candle’. The four main characters, Michael (a vlogger), a ghost, a fairy called Kendall and a bean lion, were all on an adventure to find Mrs Claus and have their wishes granted with her magic candle. Michael wanted to get a million views on his new video, the ghost wanted to find his long lost son. Kendall wanted her own fairy land and bean lion wanted all of the beans in the world.

The final two were productions written by the university students. We all really enjoyed their songs; they were amazing performers. The actors were third year students from Southampton University who had only one week to learn the lines and the spacing!

Seeing the actors bring our play scripts to life was really enjoyable and rewarding to see our writing being performed on a stage.

Thank you to the Mayflower team and the students of Southampton University for bringing our creations to life. It has really inspired us to write lots of interesting and engaging stories throughout the remainder of Year 6!


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