Year 3 blog

Welcome back to the Year 3 blog! We have been working hard in all of our subjects, learning about lots of exciting topics!

In English we have become Glenda, from Guess Who Came To Dinner! We have been using first person to write a recount of our glorious, luxurious stay at Eatem Hall. We have been thinking of fantastic expanded noun phrases and ambitious adjectives to describe the extravagant house, food and activities available there. As well as this, we have made sure to keep an air of suspense…. Is there something lurking behind that pillar? Is there eyes on that strange picture on the wall? It has been great to hear such a wide range of vocabulary shared!

In maths, we have been learning division, using our multiplication skills to help us. We have learnt different methods to work out the answers to our equations and looking at the link between multiplication and division. All of this practise will make us into super speedy mathematicians in no time!

Our History unit this term is looking Walter Tull, who we have learnt was a football player and was also in the army. We have been talking about what makes a person significant and what therefore, made Walter Tull significant. We have looked at his early life, thinking about the struggles he faced and we think he was a brave, strong person. As the term goes on, we will be looking at his football career and his later life, deepening our knowledge even further.

In Science, we are looking at the human body and the importance of a healthy diet. Having already looked at the muscles and bones within our body, we then started to look at the different food groups that form part of a balanced diet. We learnt there are seven food groups! We compared different people’s food diets and discussed what they needed to have, in order to make their diet more balanced. At the end of this unit, we will be writing a regime and diet plan for Chelsea football team!! It is important we make sure they eat well, so they can be strong and healthy.

Keep up the hard work year 3!


The bake sale


The Book Fair Is In School!