Year 1 blog

Welcome back to the Year 1 blog! We are settled back into school life and enjoying the sunshine. We are so excited about our new topics for this term and this week have been introduced to them.

Did you know Giraffes Can’t Dance? Well… In writing this week we have been exploring the story Giraffes Can’t Dance and creating story maps. We have been generating adjectives to describe the emotions that Gerald felt throughout the story. We decided to chuck the word ‘sad’ in the bin and up level it using synonyms. We thought of lots of different synonyms such as devastated, miserable and glum. At the end of this unit we are going to be writing in role. We are going to write a diary entry pretending to be Gerald.

In maths we have been learning about money. We have learnt about 1p and 2p coins this week. We were learning to recognise the different amounts and then use the coins to make amounts. We are really enjoying this topic, especially when we get to use the coins in our role play shop. Next week we are going to be exploring 5p and 10p coins.

Our History unit this term is looking at the evolution of flight. We were shocked to find out that aeroplanes were only invented in 1903.  We looked at all the different types of inventions that The Victorians made when they were trying to fly. We loved looking at how they didn’t work. We then explored The Wright Brothers and their plane. Next week we are going to be looking at the Kitty Hawk.

In Science we are exploring Plants. We planted our celery plants which we are going to use in Gardening Day. We then created our own diagrams of plants. We labelled them using key words such as stems, roots, leaves, petals and bud. Take a look at the pictures below.


Nursery blog


Sports Day