Nursery blog

Last week the nursery children took part in 'the big toddle' which is to raise money for Barnardos, thank you for the donations. The nursery had great fun pretending to be and move like a variety of wild animals. We roared like a lion, flapped like a flamingo, waddled like a penguin, stomped like an Elephant, Galloped like a Zebra and many more. We had so much fun and even got a special cafe surprise, we had a yummy ice pole! This helped us to cool down after our physical activity.

This week we have been exploring how to catch, throw and kick, developing our ball control skills. We are getting so good at throwing and catching, you can help us practise these skills at home. 

The nursery adults would like to remind you that we are all trying to develop our self-care skills, we are trying to become independent. Please encourage us to continue this at home by allowing us time to; find our own bags, put on our own socks and shoes, get ourselves dressed, eat our meals using the correct utensils (fork and spoon or knife, fork and spoon) and wash our hands, we are great at this!



Eco Committee Blog update


Year 1 blog