Year 2 learning blog – 24th March

In our History lessons, we have been learning about Florence Nightingale and the positive impact she has had on hospitals. We have learnt all about Scutari hospital and how it changed for the better after Florence Nightingale helped them. We have also discussed Florence’s key attributes by looking at sources such as pictures, videos and letters. By the end of the unit, we will have written a letter from a soldier describing what it was like using our knowledge.  

In DT we have been creating different winding mechanisms and recording how we made them. We have created a simple winding mechanisms and a car winding mechanism which was so much fun! For our final piece, we will be designing and creating our own. We can’t wait to see what the children have created!

The most exciting part of our half term was the arrival of 4 beautiful ducklings in Year 2. We waited patiently for the eggs to hatch, and then voted for our favourite names. We were amazing at looking after them by filling up their water and food. Everyone was so gentle when holding the ducklings and loved watching them swim in the water. This has linked to our science learning where, we have been learning about food chains and the life cycle of a duck.  


Weekly round up - 31st March


Weekly round up - 24th March