Weekly round up - 31st March


We are incredibly excited to begin our planting next half term! Each year group has selected vegetables to grow in our patch and we are working on preparing our parent patch ready for our great gardening day. We have begun to establish our Key Stage planters in our sustainable garden and decorated them using our Jubilee pebbles from the children. We are thankful to Southampton City Council for our soil delivery and for offering their time to help our eco-team distribute them and de-weed our planters with the children. We cannot wait to see this space thrive in the coming months!


Congratulations to our Stars of the week this week! We are incredibly proud of all of our fabulous superstars this week. Congratulations this week goes to: Evie-Rayne W, Arman M, Esmai D, Jacob V, Siana C, Marnie-Leigh M, Frasier F, Fifi O, Lily-Rose D, Camille H, Darci T, Jenson C & 6PL!

We have had some incredible Postcard Heroes this week! Surprise deliveries landed through the letterboxes of children who have shown our school house values in all that they do, consistently throughout the week. Well done to the following children: Alfie G, Faith T, Kayleigh W, Elizabeth L, Sofia C, Dilpreet K, Louella-Rose W & Tyra B.


Read on to find out more about Year 5 with Miss Kennard & Mr Kelly in their learning blog, all about our experience with In2univeristy this week!


Year 5 In2 university blog – 31st March


Year 2 learning blog – 24th March