Year R blog:

The Year R teachers and teaching assistants have been really impressed by how polite, kind and settled the children have been during their first week. We have learnt all about our routines of the day and have enjoyed playing and exploring in all of our areas - the home corner, water station and construction area are definitely our class favourites. We have begun learning about our traditional tale of the term, Goldilocks and the three bears, and we are looking forward to learning about the numbers 1 to 10 and how we can make these numbers in lots of different ways. Our topic focus is going to be 'All about me' and we cannot wait to learn about all of our class favourites and things that we like to do and play with at home. We are going to begin learning our sounds soon and look forward to embarking on the phonics and reading journey!  


Year 1 blog:


Nursery blog: