Poetry Day - The Environment

Thursday 6th October 2022

Today at Mansel Park was our Poetry Morning to celebrate National Poetry Day. Here at Mansel Park we are passionate about becoming architects of a better world. We hope that by sharing our voice through poetry that we will influence others in order to make a positive difference on the world we live in. Our children are incredibly passionate about the world we live in and making a difference to our environment.  

This year, the theme is ‘Environment’, which is a theme close to the school’s heart, and also that of our new King. Our aim was for every child to write their own environmentally themed poem, and the very best to be included in a ‘Partnership Anthology’ with the voices from our school family. This will be professionally printed and sold, with proceeds supporting Action for Conservation.

At Mansel Park today we experienced everything from: spiral poems, sonnets, rhyming poems, performance and sensory poems complete with immersive tuff trays and key words… it is safe to say we were blown away by the creative output from all of the children!

The children have produced some fabulous work and it's been lovely to see how much they have not only enjoyed but also fully engaged with poetry! Here are some lovely examples of the children’s voice, with our environment fully at their heart from both the eldest and some of the youngest children in our school.

Year 1

Freddie Y1 – Autumn senses poem

Jude Y1– Autumn senses poem


The last tree on earth - By Lacey Y6

 As I slouched on my bed, unlocking my phone with ease,

I wondered where my fingertips would lead me.

Scrolling through Facebook, I spot a lonely, bitter tree,

the tree stared at me with a look of melancholy.

While the restful night sky glared down, helpless and glum,

I had sympathy for it, twiddling my thumb.

Tweets slid into my notifications, the captions and posts are all aware,

But none of them show they actually care.

Deforestation is a huge scheme,

so lets work together to solve this scene.

With the power of social media, and other social skills,

we can all enjoy a peaceful world with no mistakes or spills.

Let’s all reunite and work together,

to help and heal mother nature.

Flames rise higher and higher,

as the forests orangey glow gets mightier and mightier.

We give up our money, pounds and change,

to old selfish farmers who only care about fame.

All the animals are losing their homes,

so let’s all put on a play and act like Sherlock Holmes.

After the play we all clap and cheer, because mother nature has finally been healed.


Deforestation - By Lila Y6

As I lay here on my bed and scroll on my phone,

I see this beautiful tree standing alone.

To the left, right, up and down it was burnt all around.

I look in the caption and there I read:

‘Soon there will be an oxygen need.’

Let’s keep oxygen in the lead.

I feel as if the tree is calling name.

I put down my phone and take a peek out the window.

There, then and now I realise mother nature needs help,

and we’re the ones who need to figure this out!

Deforestation is a huge travesty,

so let’s work together and solve this mystery.

The power of social media has got our backs,

we need to find the right person to stop these pyromaniacs.

Deforestation has an impact of wildlife,

their homes are being destroyed there is no afterlife.

Come on guys we need to react,

take care of our planet it’s under attack.

Get off your phones and appreciate nature,

because soon there will be none left to enjoy.




Save the ocean By Kiara Y6

Fish and other animals are dying,

mother nature is crying.

Our seas will be empty,

when really there should be plenty.

Our seas are full of trash,

this is something we need to slash.

Plastic is destroying animals homes,

all we’re finding is their bones.

Turtles are getting stuck in nets,

writhing and twisting and snapping their necks.

Whales are swallowing tonnes of waste,

unfortunately, this doesn’t appeal to their sense of taste!

Can you be the one to make a difference?

I doubt it, would be my inference…

Can we make our oceans safer?

Right now! I am not talking about later!

Baby animals are still dying,

and you are denying!

Join us and support us today,

we won’t be delayed.


Eco Update – Eco flag Award accreditation


School Council Minutes. 12.10.22