School Council Minutes. 12.10.22

School Council

‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much...’


Mansel Park Primary & Nursery School

School Council

Date: Wednesday 12th October 2022 Time: 08:40-09:00 Venue: Top hall

 Minutes of Session 3:

●        Showcase and celebration of suggestion boxes. Head teacher stickers awarded to school councillors for dedication of discretionary effort. School councillors also collected stickers for children that supported them.

●        Data shared for, 2O, 2C, 3G, 3DR, 3DA, 4B, 5B, 6PL & 6PE.

●        Master copy of data for the whole school to be collated with Year 6 pupils.

●        AOB shared

●        Following AOB shared we discussed being Architects of a better world and how we might encompass this in all we do.

●        Discussion held around championing ‘Architects of a better world’ within our school and finding a voice/platform to do this.

●        Badge update - delivery placed for recently joined members, awaiting delivery

Agreed Actions from the meeting:

●        Deadline set for remaining classes for 14th October 20222 end of day.

●        Year 6 data collection master created and data entered w/c Monday 17th October

●        Lines of enquiry raised by school council boxes to be planned in so that school councillors can meet and interview key members of staff to bring back more information to the school council.


●        School council suggestion box feedback:

‘We enjoy knowing where we are at, having regular opportunities to test and apply our knowledge helps us to know where we can go next’.

‘We are interested in the lunch menu. We’d like to ask the kitchen more about different options available on the lunch menu and whether there is the option to have more hot puddings during the cold winter months and colder puddings in the summer months.’

‘We are passionate about our library, we love how our library looks but we’d like more books and showcase areas of themes of books.’

‘We are interested in knowing more about why we have certain play equipment in our play boxes, how do the play leaders and Mr Peters know what we need and why?’

‘We would love to plant more outside, we’d love to start our own sustainable garden and grow cucumbers!’

‘We would like to commemorate the Queen this year. She was an important figure in our lives and we would like to commemorate her birthday in some way.’

‘We are interested in equality. We would like to know more about sports teams and how there are equal opportunities for both boys and girls throughout the year.’

Next meeting scheduled for: Wednesday 12th October. Same venue and time.



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