Weekly round up - 17th March


We’ve been thinking about how we can make a difference to our world. We’ve been reflecting on our curriculum experiences and knowledge built so far this year and how this has shaped our thoughts on how we can be architects of a better world. We have been sharing ideas on what we feel our school and community needs are and how we may begin to find out more about the needs of our community. We are looking forward to the Big Help Out and how we might begin to reach out within our school community and locally. Watch this space!


Congratulations to our Stars of the week this week! We are incredibly proud of all of our fabulous superstars this week. Congratulations this week goes to: Kady G, Peyton W, Marshall S, Nate A, Sophie S, Chloe G, Lorelei H, Rohen H, Michael-Lee G, Tommy S, Rachel L, Jake C, Megan D & Ella S.

We have had some incredible Postcard Heroes this week! Surprise deliveries landed through the letterboxes of children who have shown our school house values in all that they do, consistently throughout the week. Well done to the following children: Dalton H, Billie-Jo G, Lillie-Rose D, Isla T-G, Jacob V, Skye C-G, Emma-Lily L, Henry B, Bobby C, Olivia-May B & Jenson C.


Take a look at Year 1 with Miss Hoile & Miss Maxwell in their learning blog this week!


Year 1 learning blog – 17th March


Pip and Pap Design an Easter Egg Box Competition